Right now my life revolves around my job, walking Etta and what I'm reading. Since I work for the government (meaning I really shouldn't discuss work, not that it's that interesting) and dog-walking is very repetitive, I'll discuss what I'm reading....
Currently reading:
Memoirs of the Duc de Saint-Simon (vol 1 of 3)
The gossipy account of life in the court of Louis XIV through the Regence of Louis XV and finally his Royal Court. Similar to Pepys's brush with fame, but Saint-Simon is not quite the amusing scamp as Pepys (he is just a little to concerned with good friars for my preference). Definitely an ongoing project.
The Sitwells, A Family's Biography - John Pearson
Literary gossip, a guilty pleasure because I'm only familiar with Facade.
In the wings:
Pages from the Goncourt Journals - Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
More guilty pleasure, but then I'm going to visit my family for the second time in 2 months. It's still better than reading old issues of Star.
Put down to be picked up later:
A Spot of Bother - Mark Haddon
The Natural Disorder of Things - Andrea del Cannobio
I came across your blog while looking at another blog and loved your bolg name. as equally as i love the pic of Etta (as in E. James?) on that beautiful balcony. It makes me want to cry. I envy you for living in, what I call, the best city on God's green earth...oh, and nice reading list. I'll take a look at The Natural Disorder of Things. I'm reading 'We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families'-Philip Gourevitch. Just a little light reading, I know :) Take care ad thanks for sharing!
ditto the above = saw your comments and liked the name - damn! I wish you posted more! What a life you must lead right there in the quarter - God, I'm jealous of you and Etta. Decorna has a dog like that - if you haven't read her - visit and look up a post named "ricky" from about a week ago = it was hysterical - your dog reminds me of hers.
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